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Pot of Gold Writing

I love when my students walk in the door, look around, and get super excited about what we will be doing that morning.  This Pot of Gold writing prompt gets my kindergarteners excited every single time.  Paint, rainbows and gold is definitely a winning combination!🌈

I use 12 x 18 white construction paper.  I start by drawing a large arch in pencil so that students have a guide.  Please don’t skip this step.  It will make things SO MUCH EASIER, and I am all about EASY! 👊 I have them paint during my morning centers, but only two kids at a time.  I have the rest of the kids on the iPads either reading on Raz-Kids, doing Mathseeds, or using Starfall.  If I have a parent volunteer that day, I will ask him/her to run this center.

Then at my center, I have them do the pot of gold writing.  On the cloud we write, “If I had a pot of gold I would…”  and then on the pot of gold we write what we would do.  I like to add gold glitter glue, but this step is optional. All their different answers are the best.  Some examples I have gotten are “Save it”, “Go to Disneyland”, “Buy a puppy” and “Buy a Lego set”.  This year I had a student say she would give it away.  I asked her who she would give it to and she said, “To someone who needs it more than I do”. Bless her sweet heart!❤️

I am a kindergarten teacher + wife + mom of 3 who helps kindergarten teachers simplify their lives and make teaching fun and EASY!

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